How to Play Titan 4030

From Plasma Bolts to Moon Stones; What to Know When Rolling the Bones

In Titan 4030 players roll two six sided dice and compare the total combined value of both die against their most relevant Attribute, Skill, or a combination of Attribute and Technique. Rolling the dice occurs when a player is attempting to make a contested action or to engage with the world around their character in a substantial way. The goal is to roll a number which is equal to or lower than the associated Attribute, Skill or Technique. If successful then the character performs their intended course of action, otherwise if the roll is above the associated value the character does not succeed and the storyteller details what consequences occur.

The lowest possible score a player can roll is a 2, which is always a success and usually confers the player a substantial benefit in addition to the intended action similar to a critical success roll in games like Dungeons & Dragons or Shadowrun. If a player rolls the highest possible value, which is a 12, then they automatically fail their action and take an unanticipated penalty to actions in the scene as determined by the storyteller.

A game of Titan 4030 can be run as a single session adventure where the players are confronted with the sudden awareness of becoming fugitives on the station and their approaches to regaining safety. For some characters the crime they are accused of is not too dire as to require exile or death, and these folks may choose to resolve their charges non-violently. Other’s may refute the accusations and strive to prevent the crime they are charged with to clear their name. But for many who have been targeted by the Apriori Council the hyper-vigilant security force extends only two options, futile resistance or senseless death. The storyteller will ultimately determine when the story has ended, but players should expect their characters to flee or fight like hell to survive another day.


There are four attributes in Titan 4030, which are:


  • A measurement of how physically capable the character is and how much they can endure. Actions which rely on a character to be strong or take a sizeable amount of endurance to be successful will usually require a Strength roll.


  • When a character needs to be swift, deft, or acrobatic then the player will likely need to roll Dexterity. Aiming attacks, avoiding getting hit, and traversing difficult terrain are examples of when Dexterity rolls would be expected.


  • Quick thinking and intelligence based actions will require Wits rolls, with some examples being planning a heist, charting a path to remain undetected across the station, and convincing a guard to look the other way when committing a petty crime.


  • Tasks which require Mental fortitude and perseverance are where many Resolve rolls occur. Resisting a psionic attack, wielding psychic powers against enemies, and continuing a course of action which seems hopeless are all actions where Resolve rolls are the difference between survival and devastating loss.

Each of these Attributes can range in value from 1 to 10 for a character and are the standard way of resolving actions and conflicts that occur during the course of a story.


Skills are created by players at character creation and can be any kind of applied knowledge or specialized discipline. This means a skill may be as focused as Spacecraft Piloting, Quadra-Quantum Computer Programming , and Bladed Metalcrafting. Or Skills may be more broadly defined as Firearms, Driving, and Hacking. No matter how narrow or broad in scope a Skill is, it may be used in favor of rolling an Attribute roll if the player feels it would be more appropriate for their character’s action.


Techniques are chosen at character creation and act as an abstract phrase to freely associate with a attribute roll so long as the player can explain the context behind using the technique in a scene. The context for what a technique can do is always up to the player and can change dramatically so long as the storyteller approves and the action a character is taking can in some way be described by the technique. Techniques can only be used in conjunction with attribute rolls, and cannot be combined with skill rolls.

Techniques List

  • Batter Up
  • Urban Guerilla
  • Tech Wizardry
  • Lights Out
  • Smoke ‘Em
  • Called Shot
  • Faster! Faster!
  • Ambidexterity
  • Limber Limbs
  • Studied the Blade
  • In the Face!
  • Big KO!
  • Between the Lines
  • Studied the Gun
  • Pack Rat
  • Bail!
  • Frisky Fingers
  • Wilder! Wilder!
  • Rockabilly Blues
  • The Look
  • Lead Belly
  • Cool It
  • Clusterfuckery