AP Cost Notation
Spells can either cost a static amount each time they are cast, or spells can have a dynamic cost to cast where the amount of action points needed will depend on the desired effect or enhancements.
Static Cost:
- 1 AP: - This spell will cost a single action point each time it is cast.
Dynamic Cost
_1 AP:_* - This spell will cost at least a single action point each time it is cast. The player may also choose to pay an additional amount of action points when casting this spell for more powerful effects.
X AP: - The spell will cost an amount of action points equal to the number of effects chosen at the time of casting or will be determined by the Chronicler due to the overall complexity of the spell and any challenges in the current scene.
World Pulse
_2 AP:_* By tapping into the wellspring of magic within nearby lifeforms the Cipher can sense the location of any lifeform within range, even if they are obstructed by structures or attempting to hide through non-magical means.
- 2 AP: By amplifying the feedback of nearby magic, the Cipher can also roll to detect any lifeforms that are within range that are using magic to obscure their presence.
Mind and Body
_2 AP:_* The Cipher clears their body of impurity, curing any disease or illness that was within their body.
- 2 AP: If an attempt is made to influence the Cipher’s mind, this spell can negate any disadvantages that would be applied should the Cipher choose to resist the psychic intrusion.
Sculpting Forms
X AP: The many forms of lifeforms are interchangeable to the Cipher’s touch, allowing them to transform features from lifeform into another effortlessly. The scale and intensity of the transformation will vary based on how many of the following effects are chosen:
- _4 AP:_* The Cipher chooses a lifeform within reach and adds to them an aspect of another lifeform the Cipher has encountered previously or can vividly imagine. This could be grafting wings of pure mana from the back of an ally, or adding a set of insectiod eyes to disorient an enemy attempting to flee. The Chronicler may adjust this spells effects and cost accordingly based on the feature being added to the target lifeform.
- 2 AP: By spending an additional two action points the Cipher may cast this spell on a target lifeform within range instead of within reach.
- _3 AP:_* The Cipher chooses a lifeform within reach and removes a feature from their composition. This spell is non-damaging, simply making the chosen feature disappear while all remaining aspects of the lifeform are sustained, as improbable as it may be. This could allow the Cipher to remove the hands of an opponent to more easily subdue them or silence a lifeform by wiping away their mouth entirely.
- 2 AP: By spending an additional two action points the Cipher may cast this spell on a target lifeform within range instead of within reach.
- 5 AP: The Cipher channels this spell to completely transform one lifeform into the form of another. While channeling this spell the Cipher cannot cast any other spell but is able to move and perform any non-magical action. While the lifeform is only able to assume this new form while the Cipher is channeling, they are treated as though they possess all of the traits and abilities of the lifeform they are transformed as. The form that is bestowed will not cause the target to take damage, even if under non-magical circumstances the lifeform’s new form would take damage. This can allow the Cipher to transform an ally into a fierce abomination of nightmarish proportions or render an opponent helpless by transforming them into a jellyfish.
Instill Inspiration
2 AP: The Cipher chooses an a target lifeform within range and unburdens their mind of external influence and granting them advantage on their next roll. This can allow the Cipher to dispell any mind altering magic that has been cast upon the target as well as disrupt any hacked cyberware that may be overriding the target lifeform’s control of their own actions.
Mold Breaker
2 AP: With concentrated effort and focused intention, the Cipher may choose to completely transform their appearance while channeling this spell. This change in their form can be as mild as changing an aspect of their current appearance, such as hair color or eye color. Or the Cipher may choose to transform their appearance into a completely different lifeform. While transformed by this spell the Cipher doesn’t gain any advantages usually granted by being the particular lifeform chosen for their new appearance. The Cipher may cast spells, move, and take non-magical actions unimpeded while channeling this spell.
Eternal Invitation
7 AP: The Cipher can create magically infused thoughtforms bound to reality in any form of the Cipher and newly created lifeform’s choosing. Once created, these lifeforms will persist so long as the Cipher continues to channel the spell and many of these lifeforms are known as familiars.
While channeling this spell the Cipher may also cast other spells, move, and take actions unimpeded by the effort needed to maintain this spell. This spell may remain active between sessions but its cost is only paid once at the time of casting, allowing all action points spent to regenerate fully after the session this spell was cast during.
While this spell is active the magical lifeform will grow in its awareness and identity while also forming a magical symbiosis with the Cipher, allowing them to do the following:
The Cipher may choose to cast an at reach spell through the magical familiar as though the lifeform’s appendages were their own hands.
The Cipher and the magical companion can share thoughts and senses, giving them a wider perspective of environments when together and preventing opponents from gaining advantage when attempting a sneak attack against either of them.
Once a day, the familiar may choose to cast a spell that the Cipher knows at no action point cost.
Over time the familiar may develop its own autonomy, at which point the Cipher may choose to stop channeling this spell and the lifeform will remain in reality sustained by its own magic and awareness. Should the Cipher end the spell before this moment of autonomous awareness occurs, the lifeform will unravel and disappear from reality. Even without form, the familiar may choose to reside within the Cipher to be recreated into a physical form in the future. Alternatively, the Cipher and familiar may decide to release their shared connection and scatter the familair’s magic in doing so. This process of magical diffusion can allow a familiar to fade away from reality entirely.
Maker’s Sanctum
_4 AP:_* The Cipher creates a temporal space within an art object of their own creation which can be used to store objects or as a temporary hideaway. By touching the art object the Cipher may choose to transport an object they are holding, or even themselves, to the fictional location held within the art. If the object is damaged in any way then all its contents stored inside will be forcibly ejected back into reality.
- 1 AP: The Cipher may choose a target within reach to transport into the location depicted in the art object. The target may attempt to break free each turn, but if they are unsuccessful then they are otherwise prevented from interacting with anything outside of the art in the scene until they succeed in breaking free.
Synthetic Synthesis
2 AP: The Cipher graps any magical item within reach and drains it of its magical power. The Cipher can only regain AP equal to their current maximum, or until the object is completely drained. The amount of AP restored depends on the magical strength of the object chosen and is decided by the Chronicler.
Seive Auras
_2 AP:_* In observing the world around the Cipher, they can intuitively read the emotions and desires of those around them. This allows the Cipher to gain advantage on their next roll when persuading or beguiling other lifeforms around them.
- 1 AP: The Cipher may amplify the auras of those within range to gauge intent, allowing them to know if there is anyone nearby intending to do harm or cause violence.
Enchanted Reliquary
X AP: The Cipher infuses an object or their own words to hold a portion of their mana. At the time of casting, the Cipher chooses how much of their AP to infuse into the their own creation or phrase which can be regained at any time in the future by interacting with the object or speaking the phrase. If the object used for this spell is destroyed before the Cipher can use it or the Cipher is silenced in a way that would prevent them from speaking then the AP is restored to the Cipher up to their current maximum amount of AP.
Invoke the Muses
3 AP: Once per day, the Cipher may choose to empower any targets of their choosing within range to gain advantage on one roll per turn for as long as the Cipher channels this spell. The Cipher is unable to cast any spells while channeling this spell and cannot take any action other then to move while this spell is active. Additionally, the Cipher will be perceived as vocalizing, performing, or otherwise responding to the actions of other lifeforms around them in perfect sync as those actions occur. This can cause observers to believe that the Cipher is narrating each advantageous event into reality as they occur.
Limitless Inspiration
5 AP:_ Once per session, the Cipher swells with creative energy and magical potential, doubling their maximum AP for the rest of the session. Casting this spell also restores 2 AP at the beginning of the Cipher’s next two turns.
Permitting Possibility
_4 AP:_* The Cipher chooses a target within range that is a non-magical being unaware of the magical world to suddenly gain the ability to perceive magic while the Cipher channels this spell. The Cipher is able to cast other spells, move, and take actions unimpededby the effort needed to maintain this spell. This spell can be used to awaken a willing dreamer to the presence of magic around them, assisting them in becoming Ciphers but this spell cannot be used to force an awakening on an unreceptive mind. While this spell is active no Cipher receives disadvantage for casting spells near a dreamer and the risk of creating an Anomaly is significantly lowered.
- X AP The Cipher may choose additional lifeforms to target with this spell by spending an action point for each additional target selected when casting.
Anima Coalescing
1 AP: The Cipher chooses any number of willing Ciphers in range to share a pool of their AP while the Cipher channels this spell. The Cipher is able to cast spells, move, and take actions unimpededby the effort needed to maintain this spell. While under the effects of this spell, all connected Ciphers can share their AP with each other to collectively pay the cost of casting spells.
Corporal Catharsis
X AP: The Cipher transforms another lifeform’s pain into an art object or creative expression to restore the target lifeform’s vitality. For each AP spent when casting this spell, restore one point of vitality to the targeted lifeform.