Sense Bonds

2 AP: The Cipher can perceive the current location of an object of strong attachment or significance to any target in reach. This spell can target a physical object on the target’s body, an object lost many years ago, the placement of a hidden cache, or even just the memory of something emotionally significant to the target of this spell. Once this spell is cast the location of the object is projected vividly into the mind of the Cipher.

All Seeing Awareness

2 AP: The Cipher gains the ability to expand their focal awareness outwards in all directions. This allows the Cipher to see in every direction at once while this spell is being channeled. The Cipher may cast spells, move, and take non-magical actions unimpeded by the effort needed to maintain this spell. Opponents do not gain advantage on sneak attacks and the Cipher may choose one additional target at no AP cost when casting a spell that allows multiple targets to be selected.

Door to Nowhere

2 AP: The Cipher chooses a door in range and conjures a connection to Nowhere through it. Until the end of the Cipher’s next turn, any lifeform that croses the threshold of the chosen door will be transported to Nowhere at a location chosen by the Cipher. Once the lifeform has entered Nowhere, they cannot be perceived or tracked by any force in Nihil but cannot return to their previous location by using any door available within Nowhere. The lifeform may use magic of their own to travel elsewhere, but if they choose to exit via one of the many exits within Nowhere then they are moved to a random location with a door in Nihil upon leaving.

Portal Skipping

4 AP: The Cipher conjures a magical portal until the end of their next turn that allows any lifeform or object that passes through it to be transported to another location of the Cipher’s choosing that they have been to previously or is currently in range. The momentum of the lifeform or object is maintained when passing through the portal, allowing the Cipher to hurl an opponent through the window of a building high above them or send a tossed grenade to drop rapidly from directly above the opponent that hurled it.

Spatial Swap

3 AP: The Cipher chooses two target lifeforms or objects in range and teleports them to each other’s position in the scene. This can redirect the targets of attacks or spells and can be used to obtain an object at a distance away from the Cipher.


4 AP: The Cipher takes a large volume of space in range and shifts every object and lifeform in a direction and distance of their choosing. The leap from the original position to the destination is perceived as a blur of motion to the targeted lifeforms and no damage can be dealt to the objects and lifeforms as the Cipher moves them between spaces. The size and scale of the objects can be varied, allowing the Cipher to effectively shift an entire room to a new location seemingly instantaneously. The destination chosen by the Cipher must be one that they have been to or have the exact coordinates of.

Smudge the Distance

2 AP: Invoking this spell allows the Cipher to bend space around them to prevent ranged and melee attacks from successfully connecting as the space between the Cipher and their opponent invisibly widens to a great distance despite the appearance that they are in reach or range to the Cipher. This effect persists until the Cipher’s next turn ends and does not prevent the Cipher from moving in the space unimpeded by their conjured distance.

Rally Point

_2 AP:_* Invoking this spell allows the Cipher to connect another location to a single space within range. The Cipher may connect an invisible portal to any location they have previously encountered or have the ability to perceive when casting. These portals remain open for three turns or until the Cipher chooses to end the spell.

  • 2 AP: Additional locations may be chosen when casting this spell by spending more AP.

Trace Through Travels

2 AP: The Cipher can sense a lifeforms sympathetic connections as the move through space, allowing them to track any target lifeform that is within range or that the Cipher can perceive when casting this spell.

External Augery

3 AP: The Cipher may perceive a location remotely when channeling this spell as long as they have a vivid depiction of the location or can clearly visualize it in their mind. The Cipher may cast spells, move, and take non-magical actions unimpeded while casting this spell, allowing the Cipher to then cast spells or interact with the space as though it were in range, even if it would normally be too far.

The awareness necessary for targeting a location can be obtained from having encountered it previously or if the Cipher can perceive it from their current environment through any non-magical means. This allows the Cipher to reach into a location from a recent photograph and grab a object within reach in the current moment or be used to crash a party from a quick video call.

Untethered Grasp

_1 AP:_* The Cipher chooses a target opponent within range or that they can perceive and make a melee attack at advantage against the target.

  • 1 AP: The Cipher may choose a target lifeform to gain the benefit of this spell on their next melee attack.


1 AP: Locks simply fail to function when they would prevent the Cipher from gaining access to a space. Any non-magical mechanism for preventing access to a building, room, or compartment within an object will malfunction once the Cipher casts this spell, allowing them to pass through or open the object unobstructed.

Exit Shuffle

_3 AP:_* The Cipher prevents a target lifeform within range from being able to leave a distance of the Cipher’s choosing for the next three turns. This may mean the target lifeform is drawn into reach as if pulled by an invisible gravitational force or instead cause the target to leave through familiar doorways only to enter back into the room they just were in.

  • 2 AP: The Cipher may choose to cast this spell on any location they can perceive when casting this spell rather then be within range.
  • 1 AP: The Cipher may choose to channel this spell at the time of casting to prevent the target from leaving the distance chosen for as long as this spell is successfully channeled. The targeted lifeform will be able to attempt to end the spell by rolling at disadvantage after four of the Cipher’s turns have passed. The Cipher may not cast spells while channeling this spell but may move and take non-magical actions unimpeded.

Anti-Air Statis Field

3 AP: The Cipher channels a feild around them that prevents all targets within range from making non-magical ranged attacks. All attempts to do so will either cause the projectile to rip apart from a sudden constriction of the surrounding space or be suspended in a pocket of invariable length that until it looses all momentum and falls to the ground. While channeling this spell the Cipher may not cast spells but may move and take non-magical actions unimpeded.

  • 1 AP: The Cipher may choose a target in range to not be impacted by this spell until the end of their next turn.

Multi-Surface Touch

1 AP: The Cipher is able to use any surface to move along while channeling this spell, allowing them to power slide up the walls of buildings or tip toe along powerlines without any disadvantage or impediment to their movement. While channeling this spell the Cipher may cast spells, move, and take non-magical actions unimpeded.