AP Cost Notation
Spells can either cost a static amount each time they are cast, or spells can have a dynamic cost to cast where the amount of action points needed will depend on the desired effect or enhancements.
Static Cost:
- 1 AP: - This spell will cost a single action point each time it is cast.
Dynamic Cost
_1 AP:_* - This spell will cost at least a single action point each time it is cast. The player may also choose to pay an additional amount of action points when casting this spell for more powerful effects.
X AP: - The spell will cost an amount of action points equal to the number of effects chosen at the time of casting or will be determined by the Chronicler due to the overall complexity of the spell and any challenges in the current scene.
Mass Conversion
3 AP: The Cipher chooses an inanimate object within eyesight and causes an eruption of their choice from one the following energy types: - Thermal: Any adjacent objects or lifeforms take 2 damage and are set ablaze for two turns, taking one additional damage each turn. - Chemical: Any adjacent objects or lifeforms take 2 damage and are weakened for a turn. If attacked, weakened targets take double the normal amount of damage. - Electrical: Any adjacent lifeforms or objects take 2 damage. All lifeforms and any electronic objects that received damage are stunned for a turn.
Dazzling Lights
1 AP: The Cipher amplifiers the amount of ambient light into a blinding flash, stunning all enemies in range for a turn.
Thunderous Whispers
_2 AP:_* The Cipher filters through every source of sound in range and may choose to adjust the volume or pitch of any sound. This can render conversions inaudible to any observers or even make private telecommunications broadcast through every available channel.
- 1 AP: The Ciper magnifies the sounds to a disorienting cacophony, giving all in range opponents disadvantage on their next roll for a turn.
Fan the Flames
3 AP: Spark a nearby flame to catastrophic proportions by channeling this spell. While channeling, the Cipher will be unable to cast spells but will be able to move and take any other non-magical actions unimpeded. During the duration of this spell, the Cipher may manipulate the size, intensity, and direction of any fire in range as a free action.
Autonomous Matter
1 AP: Instills a small font of energy within an object within range to allow for the completion of tasks without manual operation. For example, a Cipher could turn on a nearby vaccum to clean a room autonomously or cause a firearm to go off with a simple incantation. The targeted object must be able to mechanically accomplish the task or else the spell will instead cause the object to disassemble itself in its attempts to comply.
Razor Edged
1 AP: The Cipher hones their weapon to a narrow edge, causing the next opponent successfully hit to lose two Vitality points at the beginning of their next turn.
Gravity Jolt
_2 AP:_* By invoking a sudden shift in gravitational pull, the Cipher can apply a gravitational pressure to any objects and lifeforms in range for a brief moment. Lifeforms that are targeted by this spell take disadvantage on their next roll and objects appear to be suspended in place until the end of the Cipher’s next turn. The magnitude of force and the distance targets travel can be enhanced for a higher cost:
- 1 AP: Targets in range are moved in the direction of the Cipher’s choosing but do not take damage and stay within range to the Cipher after coming to stop. Any lifeforms impacted by this spell are prevented from advancing towards the Cipher until the end of their next turn.
- 2 AP: Any opponent or object in range is moved suddenly in the direction of the Cipher’s choosing and take 2 damage upon coming to a stop.
- Any opponent that is targeted by this spell is moved to a new distance, either closer or further away from the Cipher.
- X AP: The Cipher is able to target additional opponents when casting this spell for one action point per additional target. The Cipher moves each target a set distance to travel, either closer towards the Cipher or away from the Cipher. Each opponent takes 3 damage upon coming to a stop.
Vanquish Velocity
_2 AP:_* Objects in motion that are within reach to the Cipher become locked in place and will not continue to move in any direction while the Cipher channels this spell. The Cipher cannot cast any spells while channeling this spell, but may move and take non-magical actions unimpeded. Once the Cipher chooses to no longer channel this spell, the objects that were affected will resume movement at the same speed as they had before this spell was cast. This spell can also be enhanced in the following ways:
- 2 AP: The Cipher may choose to cast this spell at any time, even when it is not their turn.
- 1 AP: The radius around the Cipher will include objects in range as well as in reach.
- 1 AP: The radius appears around another target of the Cipher’s choice. The spell will dissipate if an opponent opposes being restrained.
Articifer’s Touch
_1 AP:_* By touching a mechanical object the Cipher immediately understands how to operate and function the device. By using this spell, the Cipher may bypass any disadvantage that would normally apply for using unfamiliar technology.
- 1 AP: Using this ability enables the Cipher to decipher elaborate mechanical puzzles or even masterly operate machinery of unknown purpose or abstract composition.
Fluid Recomposition
_3 AP:_* The Cipher may choose a pool or flowing liquid within range and shape a portion of it in any direction or assortment of shapes. The liquid can be also be flung towards an opponent dealing damage based on the composition of the liquid detailed below:
- Water: No damage is dealt to the target opponent but they are knocked prone and are unable to move on their next turn.
- Toxic or Chemical Fluid: The target takes two damage initially and two additional damage on their next turn
- Thermal or Frigid Fluid: The target takes two damage initially and one damage for each turn they remain covered in the fluid for a maximum of three turns.
- Adhesive or Hardening Fluid: The target takes two damage and is immobilized for their next two turns.
- 1 AP: The Cipher may change the original composition of the target fluid in range to any type of their choosing prior to unleashing the fluid as an attack.
Conductive Accelerant
3 AP: By percieving and weilding electrical currents within range the Cipher is able to disrupt technology and machinery in their surroundings to the point of shutting down or even exploding. All electronic objects within range of the Cipher at the time of casting will cease to function properly until the scene ends.
Telekinetic Touch
_1 AP:_* The Cipher may manipulate objects at range as though they were in reach, as well as move objects within range that they would be able to physically lift without being near them.
- 2 AP: The Cipher can lift and manipulate objects at range that are vastly heavier then they would otherwise be able to move or carry. This spell allows the Cipher to pick up chunks of buildings or hurl cars towards opponents.
Fleet Footing
? AP: The Cipher gains the ability to move for three turns at a boosted speed, allowing them to cover a tremendous distance of miles in seconds at full speed. The Cipher may choose to flee a location, gaining advantage on any rolls related to their escape, or choose to reach a destination in a short amount of time, gaining advantage in while in pursuit of their destination for the duration of this spell.
Energy Parallax
? AP: By fading one source of energy and pulling forward another in their surroundings, the Cipher may transmute one source of energy into an entirely different energy source. The output of this conversion and the intensity of its new form can be altered in the following ways:
AP Cost | Light | Sound | Thermal | Electrical |
1 AP | Flashlight | Casual Talk | 72 F / C Body Temperature | Car Battery |
2 AP | Car Headlight | Screaming | 160 F/ C Kills Bacteria | Electrical Outlet |
3 AP | Floodlight | Gunshots | 212 F/ C Water boils | Junction Box |
4 AP | Stadium Lights | Fireworks | 451 F/ C Books burn | Main Powerline |
Ascended Flight
? AP: The Cipher is able to manipulate waves of gravity around them to allow them to walk on the air, halt themselves while falling, and take flight into the sky. The Cipher is only able to move at a speed similar to their physical ability to walk or run, but otherwise may change their elevation freely and move unimpeded through the smog and dark clouds of Nihil.