
This section will help guide new players in selecting a Protocol of magic that will best compliment their preferred style of play. In the following section there will be a series of questions structured in the following format:

  • A scenario that a Cipher may encounter on their journey.
  • A subsequent list of possible responses that a character could do in reaction, which when selected will unfold into a link to the Protocol of magic that would best align with that action.

Please select the reaction that would be the most appealing to either yourself or the character that you will be playing. Take note of the revealed Protocol and continue answering the remaining questions, while keeping count of each revealed Protocol.

Once all the questions have been answered, count up the occurrences of each Protocol. While not required, it is recommended that players begin with spells that match the Protocols that appeared the most from selected responses to the questions in this guide.

Data Miner

The neon glow of a sprawling metropolis diffuses through an early morning fog and stirs you from slumber. As you rise from bed you notice a blinking light emanating from your communicator across the room, informing you of a missed message.

The communicator flairs to life once activated and the missed message is automatically displayed:

REQUEST: "Data Profile", 
DATA: ebd-content-uncrack.ath

The attached data appears to be protected from unauthorized viewing by complex encryption and is additionally shrouded in a mysterious enchantment. This is the payment for an exhausting reconnaissance gig, and hopefully will give you insight into the schemes of the eternal Stiffs.

How do you proceed?

Prized Possession

Intel has come in that an important individual in the resistance has become possessed by a rogue spirit. It is unknown what the spirit’s origin and intent are, but their sudden intrusion has disrupted several planned operations against the Stiffs and now threatens to unleash destruction against Dreamer and Awakened alike in its frenzy.

The last recording of the agent indicated intent to use bio-imprinted codes to unleash a deadly virus cache ahead of its installation within a corporate target. In its current location the virus will infect several hundred unsuspecting dreamers and several allied mages in the immediate blast radius. Something must be done immediately to prevent this spirit from causing this devastation.

How do you proceed?