Tracking this Garden’s Growth
As there is a continuous effort to share insight and grow this garden as time goes on, it can be helpful to track the major changes this site undergoes. The following is a small example of how changes are tracked using our own versioning scheme of major and minor changes:
Phase of Development#Major Version.Minor Version.Patch
Who is this versioning scheme for?
- For the most part this scheme is just for us to keep track of when things happen, but any folks are free to read these to their amusement, frustration, or bewilderment.
Era of Creation: “Demo-Days”
2024-2-6 Added callouts to image heavy pages for navigation and small improvement in loading times, updated the process videos for both Lost & Found and Dining Alone Together, and added unpublished pages for upcoming update to arts content.
2024-1-26 Continued adding content to our new TTRPG called Titan 4030, tweaked CSS, and made minor adjustments to the site to correct typos in the changelog.
2024-12-16 There has been an expansion on the topic of music based Grimoires and our enjoyment of the series Phonogram, as well as a new TTRPG we have been designing called Titan 4030. Some minor image uploads but nothing added into viewable pages yet; with more related updates to come!
2024-11-08 Added more chaos! That’s right! 26.3% increase to topics that only the coolest cats and goblins can handle! Mainly just a write-up on the comic series Phonogram and our approach to making music playlists these days. Organized our warm-up drawings and added some older rediscovered pieces as well. Also added a small guide on how to check for RSS feeds on sites which may not have a visible option or button, as well as some tips for common web domains/gardens we tend to explore often.
2024-10-22 Added chaos! Mainly in the form of our recent building shenanighans in No Man’s Sky. Also added a link to the site’s RSS feed in the footer throughout the site and a cool lil blinking circle…we just think it’s neat! An archived guide of coding and raspberry pi knowledge was uploaded, but is largely outdated in terms of it’s information.
2024-09-21 Super-scoured the site for wayward links to fix, and yet again massively expanded all the stuff we have on here! We got weird technology takes! Animation! Video Games! Chaos! Also tweaked the styling of Somnihil pages and added more tags into rules, documents, and pretty much every page on the site. Discovered we needed time to implement more accessible and dynamic images on the site, but hoping to do testing on whats been added on a few devices to get the next session of development more successful.
Oh! Expanded tags across the site as well! Hopefully searchability has improved and its easier to see how things connect in the node viewer.
2024-09-08 Scoured the site and relinked all wayward anchors and hyperlinks, fixed some typos (though many remain) across Somnihil documents, reorganized site structure once more (and we’d do it again! without hesitation or remorse!), added sketches/images/videos and more creative work that we’ve made over our shared lives.
2024-09-06 Overhauled development environment to be able to update Node, NPM, and Quartz to the latest versions so that the site feels brand new, added custom SCSS on the site to allow for smoother visual transitions when toggling between themes, tweaked link hover color for better contrast to assist in accessibility, implemented a new theme, and added Somnihil content back to site (albeit without proper hyperlinking) to test the new theme styling, as well as changed the verbiage in the about page to be more concise.
2024-07-02 Changed color scheme for both dark and light themes, reformated and expanded the changelog for the garden, and updated the site’s About section, added several overview sections for a range of art, technology, and current projects from the Neon Crypt.
2024-05-19 Minor formatting changes to stylesheets, expanded on about section and linked out to our past projects on
2024-04-02 Added blender as tag, added page for holding our notes on Blender shortcuts and notes on exploring our first handful of 3D projects using the software.
2024-03-18 Reverted custom SCSS to instead use default theme, updated text to fix mispellings, minor formatting tweaks.
2024-01-01 Reverted stylized background, updated site to generate using Quartz, widened the site purpose to being a garden for all creative ideas, process, and phases of learning. Currently keeping Somnihil information and rules on this site unfinished for reference, but will likely remove at a later date to rework as a project.
2022-07-05 Somnihil playtesting documents are unhidden after testing deployment steps.
2022-09-07 Restructured folders and pages to more easily scale with planned content and added additional clarity into rules for Advantage and Disadvantage. The Protocol spells have been expanded, including new Pointer and Type Enforcer spells, but will require more time to develop and finalize prior to the first playtest.
2023-01-22 Began sharing our created role playing game called Somnihil, compiled the starting fifteen spells for each protocol, added the definition for player character death and more closely linked being a ghost with exclusively casting spells from the Void Protocol, added explanation of how spellcasting works, and refined definition of character creation.